The South Side Market House

1201 Bingham Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203
10 am - 1 pm

  • Wheelchair Accessible Entrance: YES

  • Wheelchair Accessible Restrooms: YES

  • Public Restrooms: YES

  • Photography Allowed: YES


Walk through this building which served as the original Mercantile Store for countless steel industry immigrant families and view historic pictures of items found in the building after the early fires more than a century ago. See the original curved entry door and vestibule windows, the gym upstairs, the new renovations, the craft area, workout room and much more! Plus, say hello to the many senior citizens who enjoy this great building as a place to celebrate their community together!


The original market house on this spot was built in 1893 and rebuilt in 1915 after a major fire. For decades, it served as the food store and meeting place for the Polish, Ukrainians, Italians, Germans, Serbians, Croatians, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Russians, Irish and others who immigrated to the South Side. Over time, it evolved into a full-fledged community center. During the Depression years, youth dances were held on the second floor to help keep kids off the street.

In 1978, the building was remodeled to house senior citizen programs, pre-school programs, athletic events and community gatherings.


Allegheny County Law Library


The Auditorium Condominiums