Gardens of Millvale

22 Butler St
10 am - 4 pm

  • Wheelchair Accessible Entrance: NO

  • Wheelchair Accessible Restrooms: NO

  • Public Restrooms: NO

  • Photography Allowed: YES


Visitors will be given a brief history of the Gardens followed by a conversation about the current and ongoing mission and special projects from 2022-2023. We encourage our attendees to explore the space and wander through the three garden parcels which include a large greenhouse, our urban farm plots, individual community plots and a fruit orchard!


The Gardens of Millvale, officially established in 2010, was created through the Millvale Community Development Corporation in an attempt to grow the community's love for Millvale. One of the biggest tenets of the MCDC and the Gardens of Millvale is to develop the town without displacing community members. Millvale's location makes it highly susceptible to flooding, which eventually created an open plot of land where the gardens would find their beginning. In combination with newbudding community activists, local business owners, and residential involvement, the Gardens have evolved over the years to become a community space where people can share the fruits of each other's labor.


Vanka Murals - St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church


Three Rivers Rowing Association - Millvale Campus